Police Department
The Monticello Police Department was established in 1827. The department is committed to serving the public with utmost respect.
The Monticello Police Department is a small, efficient department. Officers of this department perform a variety of services to the citizens. We are committeed to public safety in our continued effort to better serve the citizens of Monticello.
The City of Monticello Police Chief oversees the day-to-day operations of public safety for the City. The Police Chief is elected by city residents every four years and is the highest ranking law enforcement officer for the city.
Listed below are just a few of the responsibilities of Police Chief:
- Managing the performance of the City Police Deparment.
- Implementing policies of the Police Department and assisting with law enforcement ordinances created by the City.
- Ensuring that all criminal investigations are handled in a timely manner, law enforcement special operations are safely carried out, and making sure that public safety remains a top priority with regards to all citizens' rights being protected.
- Ensuring all local, state, and federal laws are followed by the Police Deparment officers and enforced.
- Responding to all citizen concerns and civil and criminal complaints.
- Handling all traffic crashes and death investigations that occur within the city.
The Police Chief also works to develop the Police Department's annual budget, works with other law enforcement agencies, area administrators, and performs other duties assigned at the request of the City Council.
Police Deparment Divisions:
Criminal Investigation Division. This unit is responsible for all of the investigations that are reported to this agency. The CID unit is responsible for the distribution of various reports, such as warrants, arrest reports, etc. This unit is responsible for following up investigations on serious cases that warrant special attention.
Patrol Division. This unit is responsible for all initial responses of law enforcement officers that are reported to the agency. The unit is the first line of defense on scene and at the start of any law enforcement investigation for the department. The patrol unit is primarily responsible for decreasing criminal activity due to the increased presence of law enforcement throughout the city.
Communications Division. This unit is the backbone of the agency. Any and all complaints are reported to this section. This unit is responsible for gathering all pertinent information needed for the safety of the responding officer, complainant, and violator. The communications officer is the lifeline of the department and is also responsible for maintenance of department records.
The City of Monticello Police Department is prepared 24/7 to preserve life and minimize damage, respond to hazards or disaster events by providing the necessary assistance and emergency support functions.
Throughout the year, the City of Monticello Police Department engages in community awareness and prevention programs to help the community avoid, detect, and report emergencies effectively.
If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911.
Contact Info
Monticello Police Department Non-Emergency Contact
195 S. Mulberry Street Monticello, FL 32344

To Protect and Defend